Bringing Your Characters to Life with AI - Character Voice
AI Tools, Character, Writing Dialogue RM Scholl AI Tools, Character, Writing Dialogue RM Scholl

Bringing Your Characters to Life with AI - Character Voice

When we watch a Shakespearean play or read an Austen novel, one thing that inevitably stands out is the characters' distinctive voices. Tony Stark’s snappy quips and Steve Rogers' stalwart proclamations in the Marvel Cinematic Universe are a testament to the power of a well-crafted character voice. It's the rhythm of their speech, the idiosyncrasies of their diction, and the essence of their thoughts that make us believe in them, root for them, even love them. And in this grand dance of character creation, our AI co-authors are our eager partners, as long as we lead them well.

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Bringing Your Characters to Life with AI - Perspectives and Beliefs
AI Tools, Story Craft, Character RM Scholl AI Tools, Story Craft, Character RM Scholl

Bringing Your Characters to Life with AI - Perspectives and Beliefs

Picture this: two characters, huddled under the same awning, watching as soft flakes of snow gently descend upon the world. One, filled with a sense of wonder and joy, marvels at the fragile beauty of the snowflakes. The other, fraught with worry, envisions dangerous, slippery roads and an impending, back-breaking two hours of shoveling their driveway. This illustration represents the essence of character perspectives - they are the personal, unique lens through which each character sees the world.

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From Concept to Story: Using AI for Plot Development
AI Tools, Brainstorming, Plotting RM Scholl AI Tools, Brainstorming, Plotting RM Scholl

From Concept to Story: Using AI for Plot Development

Creating a captivating story isn't just about great characters or intriguing dialogue; it involves a deep understanding of the narrative structure, pacing, and timing. Recently, I turned to ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence language model developed by OpenAI, to help me outline Act One of a novel I've been working on. I found the experience not just helpful, but transformative. Here's how it all played out.

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Harnessing AI for Novel Writing: Worldbuilding

Harnessing AI for Novel Writing: Worldbuilding

Welcome back to the fourth installment of our series on how AI can be utilized in the worldbuilding process for supernatural fiction. If you've been following along, you'll recall that we started with a pair of intriguing story synopses that wove together elements of psychological horror, surreal fantasy, hidden histories, and familial bonds. Our protagonist, Ava, stood at the heart of both these narratives, anchored in a town brimming with supernatural occurrences.

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Harnessing AI for Novel Writing: From Concept to Cast
Character, Brainstorming, AI Tools RM Scholl Character, Brainstorming, AI Tools RM Scholl

Harnessing AI for Novel Writing: From Concept to Cast

Welcome back to another edition of The AI-Assisted Writer! Today, we're diving into the depths of our protagonist Ava, and the vibrant supporting cast of our psychological horror novel. I'm excited to share how I used AI, specifically ChatGPT, to help flesh out Ava and tease out the quirky ensemble surrounding her in this uncanny town.

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Harnessing AI for Novel Writing: Expanding a High-Level Concept

Harnessing AI for Novel Writing: Expanding a High-Level Concept

Our high-level concept now takes the form of a single sentence: A young woman and her friends find themselves trapped in a town that seems to exist outside time and space, where the rules of reality seem to be overwritten on a whim. The next step is to transform that high-level concept into a full paragraph that describes the plot of the story. This is where the Snowflake Method and AI can be incredibly useful.

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Collaborating with ChatGPT: How an AI Writing Buddy Can Boost Your Creativity

Collaborating with ChatGPT: How an AI Writing Buddy Can Boost Your Creativity

One advantage of working with a chatbot is that it can help you fill in the gaps in your knowledge. Let’s say you set your story on a magical tundra, but you’ve never been to a real tundra before. Don’t worry! No need to start from the beginning researching tundras, ChatGPT can assist with environment research and offer ideas for your story.

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