Bringing Your Characters to Life with AI - Character Voice

Speaker giving presentation with holographic projection

When we watch a Shakespearean play or read an Austen novel, one thing that inevitably stands out is the characters' distinctive voices. Tony Stark’s snappy quips and Steve Rogers' stalwart proclamations in the Marvel Cinematic Universe are a testament to the power of a well-crafted character voice. It's the rhythm of their speech, the idiosyncrasies of their diction, and the essence of their thoughts that make us believe in them, root for them, even love them. And in this grand dance of character creation, our AI co-authors are our eager partners, as long as we lead them well.

However, our AI writing partners are not mind-readers. They need a blueprint, a sketch, a seed. They need direction, and nowhere is this more crucial than when defining our characters' voices. So, how do we achieve this?

First, it's essential to recognize that character voice is not just dialogue. It also includes thoughts, narrative style, and even actions. A character's voice is every bit as telling when they're silent as when they're speaking.

Consider traits like tempo. Does your character speak in quick, staccato bursts, or do they drawl out their words like they have all the time in the world? Syntax is another area to ponder. Some characters may prefer formal, almost Victorian phrasing, while others may pepper their speech with slang and colloquialisms.

Next, think about the specific idioms or phrases unique to your characters. Maybe your character hails from the Deep South and lets out a hearty "Well, I do declare!" every now and then. Perhaps another character frequently uses scientific jargon due to their background as a researcher. These distinctive details add color and texture to their voice, making them more memorable to the reader.

Internal voice, the unspoken thoughts and feelings of a character, is another significant aspect of character voice. This is where we see their most profound fears, hopes, and dreams. It's a window into their soul, giving us a more intimate understanding of their character. The AI can utilize this information to show, rather than tell, their emotional state.

Check out this list of character voice traits and see if any sound like your characters.

  1. Tempo: Does the character speak rapidly, or are their sentences slow and measured?

  2. Syntax: Does the character favor elaborate, formal sentences, or is their language more colloquial and fragmented?

  3. Idiosyncratic Phrases: Does the character have any unique phrases or expressions that they use regularly?

  4. Accents and Dialects: What regional influences color the character's speech?

  5. Vocabulary: Does the character have a wide vocabulary or do they stick to simpler words? Does their vocabulary reflect their occupation or hobbies?

  6. Internal Voice: What are the character's unspoken thoughts and feelings? How do these color their perspective?

  7. Language Proficiency: Is English the character's first language, or do they have a different mother tongue that might influence their speech patterns?

  8. Tone: Is the character generally sarcastic, or perhaps very serious? Are they optimistic and joyful, or more melancholic and thoughtful?

  9. Dialogue Tags: How does the character often act while speaking? Do they pace, gesticulate wildly, or speak while barely moving?

  10. Cultural References: Does the character make references that highlight their cultural or socio-economic background?

  11. Politeness Level: Is the character very polite and respectful, or are they more blunt and direct?

  12. Formality Level: Does the character speak in a very formal manner, or are they informal and casual?

  13. Emotional Expressiveness: Does the character express their emotions through their words, or do they hide their feelings behind a neutral or misleading tone?

  14. Honesty Level: Does the character tend to tell the truth, stretch it, or avoid it altogether?

  15. Personal Beliefs and Values: Do the character's personal beliefs and values seep into their conversations and monologues?

Remember, just as people evolve, so do characters. Their voice at the beginning of your story might be different from their voice at the end, reflecting their character development. It’s important to note these shifts in your blueprint to maintain a consistent and believable evolution of character voice throughout your story.

Finally, once we have the specifics of our character’s voice, we need to feed this information to our AI partner. By providing a detailed character profile, complete with personality traits, perspectives, beliefs, and a well-defined voice, you equip the AI to generate dialogue and narratives that truly encapsulate your characters' essence.

In the end, defining your characters' voices is a dance between precision and creativity. And by doing so, we not only create more authentic, engaging characters, but we also bring our stories to life.

With that, we wrap up our series on utilizing AI in character creation. I hope these posts have sparked ideas and given you some useful tools to explore. As always, I can't wait to see the incredible characters you and your AI partners will bring to life. Happy writing, my friends!


Ethics, AI, and Authorship: Breaking New Ground


Bringing Your Characters to Life with AI - Perspectives and Beliefs