Bringing Your Characters to Life with AI - Perspectives and Beliefs

Man and woman watching snow, wonder and worry.

Picture this: two characters, huddled under the same awning, watching as soft flakes of snow gently descend upon the world. One, filled with a sense of wonder and joy, marvels at the fragile beauty of the snowflakes. The other, fraught with worry, envisions dangerous, slippery roads and an impending, back-breaking two hours of shoveling their driveway. This illustration represents the essence of character perspectives - they are the personal, unique lens through which each character sees the world.

The lens of perspective is far from one-dimensional. It can be as broad as an overarching optimism or pessimism, or it can be nuanced, like one's interpretation of silence - comforting or awkward. It could be an affinity for the night, seeing it as a time of peace and tranquility, or a fear of the dark stemming from an overactive imagination. Your characters' perspectives can dramatically shape their experiences within your narrative, influencing their reactions and decisions, and adding depth to their personalities.

Take a look at this list of broad perspectives a character might hold:

  1. Optimistic - Always sees the bright side, even in the most challenging circumstances.

  2. Pessimistic - Always anticipates the worst outcome, even when things are going well.

  3. Pragmatic - Views the world in practical, factual terms, disregarding emotion.

  4. Romantic - Views the world in terms of beauty, love, and emotion, often idealizing people and situations.

  5. Nihilistic - Believes life is without objective meaning, purpose, or intrinsic value.

  6. Futuristic - Always looking forward, focusing on innovation and progress.

  7. Traditional - Holds a deep respect for customs and traditions, resistant to change.

  8. Environmentalist - Sees the world through the lens of nature and ecology, often prioritizing environmental protection.

  9. Humanitarian - Views the world in terms of human rights, social justice, and empathy for others.

  10. Stoic - Believes in accepting reality as it is, focusing on what they can control and letting go of what they cannot.

  11. Adventurous - Sees life as a series of challenges and adventures to be undertaken.

  12. Ascetic - Believes in self-discipline and avoidance of all forms of indulgence.

  13. Hedonistic - Views life as a pursuit of pleasure and personal gratification.

  14. Cynical - Distrusts the motives of others and doubts the sincerity of generally accepted values.

  15. Spiritual - Sees the world through a lens of spiritual or mystical beliefs, often seeing deeper meanings or connections in everyday events.

  16. Skeptic - Questions everything, always seeking evidence and rational explanations.

  17. Idealistic - Holds high standards and aspirations, often striving for perfection and justice.

  18. Realistic - Views the world as it is, often dismissing idealistic views as impractical or unrealistic.

  19. Pacifist - Believes in peace, non-violence, and the resolution of conflict through peaceful means.

  20. Warrior - Sees the world as a battleground, where strength and courage are the most valued virtues.

On the flip side of the coin, we have beliefs. Don't make the mistake of narrowing beliefs to religious or political contexts; they run deeper and much more varied than that. Beliefs are essentially narratives - the grand stories we tell ourselves about ourselves, our societies, and our world. For example, the belief in the American Dream - the narrative of achieving success through hard work and determination - can significantly mold a character's decisions and actions.

Beliefs are not limited to socio-cultural narratives. They can also be personal convictions formed from individual experiences and interactions. A character who has experienced betrayal might believe that trust is for the naive, shaping their interactions and relationships. Similarly, a character raised in an environment valuing community and collectiveness might find individualistic pursuits disconcerting.

Here is a selection of possible beliefs you could incorporate into your characters.

  1. Individualism - Values independence and self-reliance above all else.

  2. Collectivism - Believes in the power of community and working together for the common good.

  3. Humanism - Holds a belief in the inherent value and potential of all human beings.

  4. Capitalism - Believes in free markets, competition, and private ownership as the best way to organize society.

  5. Socialism - Advocates for social ownership and workers' self-management as a means to create equality.

  6. Naturalism - Holds that everything arises from natural properties and causes, and supernatural explanations are not needed.

  7. Spiritualism - Believes in an unseen spiritual reality, the existence of souls, and the possibility of life after death.

  8. Nihilism - Rejects all religious and moral principles, believing that life is essentially meaningless.

  9. Stoicism - Believes in the philosophy of accepting life as it is, focusing on what can be controlled, and letting go of what cannot.

  10. Materialism - Believes that possessions and wealth are the primary aim of life.

  11. Minimalism - Emphasizes simplicity, functionality, and a 'less is more' approach to life.

  12. Existentialism - Believes that individuals are entirely free and must take personal responsibility for their actions.

  13. Environmentalism - Holds a deep belief in the protection of the environment and sustainable living.

  14. Hedonism - Believes that the pursuit of pleasure is the most important goal in life.

  15. Pacifism - Advocates for peace and is opposed to war or violence in any form.

  16. Feminism - Advocates for the rights and equality of women.

  17. Nationalism - Holds a strong attachment to their nation, often placing national interests above all else.

  18. Utilitarianism - Believes that the greatest happiness for the greatest number is the measure of right and wrong.

  19. Transhumanism - Advocates for the enhancement of the human condition through technology.

  20. Traditionalism - Advocates for the preservation of traditional cultural and societal values.

As we thread the fabric of our characters' perspectives and beliefs, we create a vivid and authentic backdrop against which their motivations and actions can play out. This backdrop is integral to creating relatable and compelling characters - characters who breathe, think, and feel within the realms of their unique worldviews.

The beauty of defining perspectives and beliefs is that they enrich the character development process, providing meaningful depth and authenticity. When we share these complexities with our AI writing partners, they become invaluable tools for crafting engaging narratives. The AI can generate character behaviors, dialogues, and choices that stay true to these well-defined perspectives and beliefs, enhancing the resonance of our stories.

As you journey on the road of crafting your characters' perspectives and beliefs, remember: there's no right or wrong way. It's a creative exploration of the vast human psyche, as varied and unique as we are. Let your intuition guide you, and you'll discover your characters' truths waiting to be uncovered.

In the next post, we will delve deeper into character voice, a vital component of character development. Until then, remember - every perspective and belief you craft is a step towards creating a character that resonates and lives in the hearts of your readers. Happy writing!


Bringing Your Characters to Life with AI - Character Voice


Bringing Your Characters to Life with AI - Unique Personality Traits