2023 - A Year in Review

Birthday cake and novel, beneath banner that says "A Year in Reivew."

Greetings, Friends and Dreamers. Another year has come and gone, this one full of more ups and downs than most. I can't think of a better way to start the year than to reflect on the upheaval of the last, in order to better plan for the year to come.

You might be curious about why I'm reflecting now, instead of at the year's end. The thing is, life doesn't always follow a set schedule, and it's important to understand that we can only act in the present. The past is behind us, and while it has shaped who we are, what truly matters is how we move forward from here.

I admit, there have been times when I've lost my way a bit. But the key isn't how often we stumble; it's about whether we choose to stand up and keep going. Dwelling on our falls doesn't help us or anyone else. What's important is recognizing our setbacks as chances to learn and grow. Each time we get back up, we're making a choice to continue, to improve, and to pursue our goals, regardless of the challenges we've faced.

Before we get on with it, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each of you who've reached out with well wishes and celebrated my birthday with me. Your kindness and support mean the world to me. And in the spirit of celebration, I have a special gift for you too. 'Wager of Souls,' the first episode of my new serial, 'Love, Death, and the Veil Between,' is now available for download exclusively to my newsletter subscribers. Check out the details below.

The Year of AI

In 2023, my writing journey took an unexpected turn with AI becoming a central part of my creative process. If you've been following my work, you'll know this wasn't just about AI going mainstream; it was about AI completely transforming how I approach writing.

At the start of the year, I was stuck in a serious writing slump. Looking at any of my projects felt overwhelming, especially 'Glass Mountain Road.' I knew it needed big changes that would ripple through the entire manuscript. The thought of diving into such a massive rewrite after all the hard work I’d already invested into the manuscript was daunting.

That's when AI stepped in, offering a new direction. I began playing around with it on a new project: my Tundra Unicorn Fantasy. Initially, this was supposed to be a straightforward story, something I thought of as a "Simple Meal Done Well." But as often happens with creative projects, it grew into something much more complex.

I quickly realized that a story with three main characters, including one non-human, wasn’t going to be 'simple.' The first drafts had their issues – they lacked clear focus and had some basic writing mistakes. One major lesson was about character development: trying to fit a character into a certain mold, like creating a 'Strong Female Character,' can backfire, making them feel unreal and more like a caricature.

In a way, working with AI was like working with a mirror, reflecting my strengths and weaknesses back at me. It pushed me to confront the flaws in my approach and helped me see my writing from a new perspective.

Writing with AI

Initially, I had a perception, perhaps a misconception, that AI could almost independently churn out a story. Early in my venture, especially during the Tundra Unicorn project, I experimented with this approach. The idea was simple: start with an AI-generated premise, expand it into a synopsis, then flesh out characters, and keep building until you have a full manuscript. However, I quickly learned that while this method technically produces a manuscript, the quality left much to be desired. It was akin to an unpolished, rough draft lacking the depth and nuance of a carefully crafted story.

As I navigated through this process, my role in shaping and steering the narrative became increasingly evident. I wasn't just using AI; I was collaborating with it, infusing each AI-generated piece with my creative touch, guiding the story's direction, and imprinting my unique style onto it. This evolving workflow brought me to a new understanding of what it means to write with AI.

Imagine building a Crepe Cake. It's a delicate dessert made from numerous thin crepes, each layer separated by a filling, constructed one at a time. That's how I've come to view writing with AI. It's a process of adding layers, where you provide a prompt, AI contributes its interpretation and content, and then you refine and reshape this output. This back-and-forth continues, with each layer representing a step closer to the final story.

In this workflow, the author is undeniably the driving creative force. The AI acts as a collaborator, expanding on your ideas based on its programming and data. However, it's the author who sees the bigger picture, who fits the pieces together into a cohesive whole. The AI handles the cognitive load, allowing you, the author, to focus on the creative aspects, to mold and craft the narrative into something uniquely yours.

Having embraced this process, my doubts about authorship in the age of AI have been dispelled. The stories I create with AI's assistance are unequivocally mine. The AI is a tool, a creative partner, but the heart, the soul, and the essence of the story are born from my imagination. As we continue to explore and integrate AI into our writing, it's important to remember that these tools are just that – tools. They augment our capabilities but can never replace the human element that breathes life into a story.

Moving Forward

As we step into 2024, it's time for a shift in how I approach this blog. Last year was a deep dive into the world of AI, a journey I embarked on with the intention of providing valuable insights to fellow authors intrigued by these emerging tools. My exploration into AI-centric content was an exciting phase, but it also brought me to a realization: the realm of AI in writing is vast and, frankly, there are many content creators out there doing an exceptional job covering it.

This realization led me to reevaluate the purpose and direction of this blog. I've decided to steer it back towards a more personal space – a chronicle of my journey as an author. While helpful articles on AI and writing techniques will still be part of the mix, I want to open up more about the everyday realities of my projects, the challenges I face as a writer and a business entrepreneur, and the human experiences behind my work.

The essence of my work, the heart and soul, is inherently human. It's shaped by my experiences, thoughts, and emotions. My intention is to forge deeper connections with you, my readers, by sharing these human aspects of my journey. From now on, think of this blog more as an author's journal rather than just an educational platform.

For those who wish to walk this path with me, I welcome you to check back here for regular updates. If you're more inclined towards a summarized version of my journey, my newsletter is the way to go. I'll keep you informed about major events, news, special offers, and announcements.

And for those who are looking for a closer, more interactive experience, I invite you to join me at Reamstories.com. Here, you'll have access to early drafts, works in progress, exclusive content, and my complete backlog of work (with the exception of newsletter-exclusive material). It's a space where we can connect more intimately, and you can be a part of the behind-the-scenes of my writing life.

As we embark on this new phase together, I look forward to sharing more of myself with you – the triumphs, the trials, and everything in between. Here's to a future filled with stories, learning, and shared journeys.

Before I forget…

The first episode of Love, Death, and the Veil Between is now available to download. This is a newsletter exclusive, so you’ll be signing up when you download it. If, however, you decide not to stick around it’s super easy to unsubscribe.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

“Wager of Souls” is an enthralling short story that weaves a tapestry of magic, heroism, and the ethereal dance between life and death. Follow Halima Karin, a deity of death, as she navigates the mystical Veil, a realm bridging the living and the beyond. With her glaive ‘Dignity’, she embarks on a perilous journey to collect wandering souls. Her path intersects with a young hero, Celeste, challenging her with an ancient rite that blurs the lines of morality and duty. In a world where celestial forces and human destinies intertwine, Halima’s quest brings her face-to-face with the ultimate wager – the souls she’s sworn to guide and the unwavering spirit of a young girl. This story promises a journey of introspection, courage, and the profound consequences of our choices in the face of the unknown.


Cozy Corner: Unveiling the Journey of Glass Mountain Road


Using AI-Generated Images and Text as “Stock” Material